Situational awareness


TTI (table trançante informatisée) was a project for Marine Nationale to show the tactical situation around a ship from the data received from different communication protocols (GPS, L11, AIS, etc.).

The main goal was to implement a distributed application of an automated tracking table allowing the representation, storage, and replay of the tactical situation in real time.

The system comprises:

Through this configuration, all computers connected to the network on board are capable of showing and replaying the tactical situation.

Testes a bordo TTI - 1
Testes a bordo TTI - 2
Tests being made on board the French frigate Dupleix in january 2011.

COD do Futuro

The COD do Futuro (Operation Center of the Future) is a research and development project (R&D) of Cemig Distribuição in a partnership with Concert Technologies to implement a system of data treatment for its supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA), aimed to increase the situational awareness of the operators.

The main goals of this project are:

The participation in this project consists in the treatment of analogical quantities through state estimation, with the development of a drive that publishes the estimated values in the data bus and notifies when gross errors are detected.